Aminet 31
Aminet 31 (1999)(Schatztruhe)[!][Jun 1999].iso
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1,387 lines
; Script to install Directory Opus version 5.5
; Directory Opus Install Version $VER: Install-Opus 5.5 (27.08.96)
; note uses Opus<Alt-Shift>5
; now installs new catalogs if they are on the disk.
(makeassign "DOPUSDEST" (safe))
(complete 0)
;check user has Dos 2
(set #DOSTYPE (/ (getversion) 65536))
(NOT (>= #DOSTYPE 37))
(abort "Directory Opus 5 requires AmigaDOS 2.04 or higher."
" If you have an earlier version of AmigaDOS you must purchase an upgrade before using Opus 5.")
(set @default-dest "work:")
(set #Dopus_prog "DOpus5:DirectoryOpus")
(set #Loadwb "C:LoadWb")
(set #Loadwb_old "C:LoadWb_old")
(set #Has_loadwb_old 0)
(set #Has_loaddb 0)
(set #Inst_choice 0)
(set #Changed 0)
(set #Inst_core 0)
(set #DName1 "AMINET31")
(set #DName2 "AMINET31")
(set #Disk1_Name "AMINET31:Opus5.5/")
(set #Disk2_Name "AMINET31:Opus5.5/")
(set #TLArchive "MWB_DOpus8c.lha")
(set #CatalogFiles "CatFiles.lha")
(set #Is_update 0)
(set #DOpus_Dest (getassign "DOpus5" "a"))
(set #O_DOpus_Dest (getassign "DOpus5" "a"))
(set #Go "Proceed")
(set #Skip "Skip this part")
; Procedure signal
; inc ase Opus is re-installed. The notification on the modules
; directory can cause problems so signal Opus to turn off notifications
(procedure signal_opus
(set #Want_disk 1)
(set #Sigs (tackon #Disk1_Name "dopusmsg"))
(if (exists #Sigs (noreq))
(run (cat #Sigs " DOPUS.1 \"command set notify off\""))
; Procedure check_lha
(procedure check_lha
(set #Title_msg "ERROR: Problem with LHA.\n\n")
(if ( = (exists "c:lha" (noreq)) 0)
(message #Title_msg
"LHA is not in the C:-directory of your system.\n\n")
; Procedure get_disk
; get the correct disk for a program
(procedure get_disk
(if (= #Want_disk 1)
(set #DiskName #DName1)
(set #DiskName #DName2)
(prompt #Title_msg
"\nPlease insert the disk labeled \""#DiskName"\".")
(help "Insert this disk in a floppy drive to continue the installation.")
(dest #DiskName)
(set #Current_disk #Want_disk)
; Procedure install_arexx ;
; From Leo Davidson collection.
(procedure install_arexx
(set #Title_msg "Installation of ARexx Archive.\n\n")
(if (askbool (prompt #Title_msg
"We have also included an archive of ARexx scripts and other add-ons for Opus "
"by various users. Most of the scripts will require some further "
"installation after this script has been run.\n\n"
"Do you wish to install the ARexx Archives?\n")
(help "Yes do it! It is great!")
(set #Changed 1)
(set #Want_disk 2)
(if (> (+ (database "total-mem")) 1000000)
(working #Title_msg
"Copying Files.")
(copyfiles (source (tackon #Disk2_Name "ARexx.lha")) (dest "ram:"))
(set #SRC "ram:")
(set #SRC #Disk2_Name)
(working #Title_msg
"Dearchiving and installing the ARexx scripts.\n\n"
"More patience..\n"
"Won't take too long.")
(run (cat "lha >NIL: <NIL: -q x "#SRC"ARexx.lha DOPUSDEST:"))
(delete "ram:ARexx.lha" (safe))
(run "c:protect DOPUSDEST:ARexx/#? +s")
(message #Title_msg
"The ARexx scripts are now installed. Please read "
"the top of the scripts for further information on "
"what they do and how to use them.\n\n"
"The scripts are in \"DOpus5:Arexx\", some add-on modules are in "
"\"DOpus5:Storage/Modules\", and some of the add-ons have AmigaGuides "
"which are in \"DOpus5:Help\". There are also some new icons in "
"\nTo activate modules you must move them to \"DOpus5:Modules\" and "
"re-start Opus."
; Procedure install_mwbextras ;
; MWB_DOpus_8_Install 1.0 (11.8.96)
; Install originally written by Leo Davidson.
(procedure install_mwbextras
(set #Title_msg "MWB_DOpus v8.0 Installation.\n\n")
;- Introductory message
(if (askbool (prompt #Title_msg
"Developed by Trevor Morris and Leo Davidson\n\n"
"MagicWorkbench toolbar icons and backdrops "
"for Directory Opus 5.5 (and other programs).\n\n"
"These provide a very nice set of images for"
" toolbars and icons whether or not you use MagicWorkbench."
"\n\nDo you wish to install these on your system?")
(help "Yes do it! It is great!")
(set #Changed 1)
(set #Want_disk 2)
(if (> (+ (database "total-mem")) 1000000)
(working #Title_msg
"Copying Files.")
(copyfiles (source (tackon #Disk2_Name #TLArchive)) (dest "ram:"))
(set #SRC "ram:")
(set #SRC #Disk2_Name)
(working #Title_msg
"Dearchiving the MWB Archive.\n\n"
"Ever thought of taking up Chess?....\n\n"
"Ahh, wouldn't a \"Power\" Amiga be great!")
(run (cat "lha >NIL: <NIL: -q x "(tackon #SRC #TLArchive)" ram:"))
(delete (tackon "ram:" #TLArchive) (safe))
(run "cd ram:MWB8")
;- Set where to do the install to
(set #Target "DOPUSDEST:")
;- Back-up the old Images drawer (if exists) and copy new images
(if (= (exists "DOPUSDEST:Images" (noreq)) 2)
(set #Tmp_msg "\n\nYour old \"Images\" drawer can be backup before the new images are installed.")
(set images_exist 1)
(set #Tmp_msg " ")
(set images_exist 0)
(if (askbool (prompt #Title_msg
"The new toolbar images will be copied"
" to your \"Dopus5:Images\" drawer."
(choices #Go #Skip)
(default 1)
(help "This part installs all the toolbar images.")
( ; yes
(if images_exist
(set #Bkup 1)
(set #New_name (cat "Images" #Bkup))
(while (= (exists (cat "DOPUSDEST:" #New_name) (noreq)) 2)
(set #Bkup (+ #Bkup 1))
(set #New_name (cat "Images" #Bkup))
(if (askbool (prompt #Title_msg
"Do you wish to backup your current"
" \"Images\" directory or overwrite it"
" with the new images?\n\n"
"Your old directory would be backed up as "#New_name".")
(choices "Yes - Backup" "No - Overwrite")
(default 1)
(help "If in doubt select Yes.")
(; backup Images
(rename (tackon #Target "Images") (tackon #Target #New_name))
(source "ram:MWB8/Images")
(dest (tackon #Target "Images"))
(optional force)
;- Copy the Colours guide
(if (askbool (prompt #Title_msg
"We have provided some simple shortcuts which"
" allow you to quickly set MagicWorkbench colours.\n\n"
"Do you wish to install this \"Colours\" directory?")
(default 1)
(help "This part installs a MWB Colors directory.")
(source "ram:MWB8/Colors")
(dest (tackon #Target "Colors"))
(optional force)
;- Copy the new icons (for programs, files, etc)
(if (askbool (prompt #Title_msg
"The old DOpus5 file icons will be replaced by "
"MagicWorkbench versions.\n\n"
"Note: In case you have set some tooltypes in it, "
"the main DirectoryOpus icon will be left alone. You "
"should replace it manually as described in the help "
"guide which is installed later.")
(choices #Go #Skip)
(default 1)
(help "This part installs all the program and file icons.")
(source "ram:MWB8/DOpus_Icons")
(dest #Target)
(optional force)
;- Copy the Help guide
(if (askbool (prompt #Title_msg
"An AmigaGuide about MWB_DOpus 8, including hints & tips "
"will be copied to \"DOpus5:Help\".")
(choices #Go #Skip)
(default 1)
(help "This part installs the help guide.")
(source "ram:MWB8/Help/MWB_DOpus8_Help.guide")
(dest (tackon #Target "Help"))
(optional force)
;- Copy the fonts
(if (askbool (prompt #Title_msg
"Some extra fonts will be copied to \"Fonts:\".\n"
"They are not essential to use MWB_DOpus.\n\n"
"These fonts are:\n"
"\"PolarSmall\", and,\n"
(choices #Go #Skip)
(default 1)
(help "This part installs some extra fonts.")